
Onyx Studio 7



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無與倫比的精準原聲音樂,讓您恣意沉浸在富節奏感的生活中。Harman Kardon Onyx Studio 7 採精巧的工藝打造,搭載雙高音模組,提供優美的立體音效,並附有光滑的陽極氧化鋁手把,非常易於攜帶。電池續航力長達 8 小時,能讓您隨處享受音樂。您可以收聽最愛的播放清單,或連接兩個 Onyx Studio 7 喇叭,在任何場合都能打造完美的聲景。



輸出功率 (w) 50


尺寸(寬 x 高 x 深):268.0 x 302.5 x 159.5 公釐/ 10.55 x 11.90 x 6.28 英吋 Yes
重量:3.295 公斤/ 7.26 磅 Yes


藍牙配置資料 A2DP 1.3, AVRCP 1.6
藍牙頻率 2400 MHz - 2480 MHz
藍牙傳輸調製 GFSK, π/4 DQPSK, 8DPSK
藍牙發射器電源 ≤ 9 dBm (EIRP)
藍芽版本 4.2


充電時間 5
最長音樂播放時間(小時) 8


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  • Onyx Studio 7
  • 電源轉接器
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{"totalSize":3,"done":true,"searchRecords":[{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmVuAAK"},"Title":"Onyx Studio 7: Wireless Dual Sound","Id":"ka25d000000XmVuAAK","ArticleNumber":"000020972","Question__c":"Dual Wireless Sound Information","Process__c":"The Onyx Studio 7 features Dual Wireless Sound which allows you to connect two Onyx Studio 7 speakers together for a more powerful listening experience. Please note: You cannot connect the Onyx Studio 7 to other Onyx Studio speakers such as the Onyx Studio 6 and 5. ","Answer__c":"The Onyx Studio 7 features Dual Wireless Sound which allows you to connect two Onyx Studio 7 speakers together for a more powerful listening experience. Please note: You cannot connect the Onyx Studio 7 to other Onyx Studio speakers such as the Onyx Studio 6 and 5. ","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmboAAC"},"Title":"How to reset: Onyx Studio 5/6/7/8","Id":"ka25d000000XmboAAC","ArticleNumber":"000016907","Question__c":"How to reset: Onyx Studio 5/6/7/8","Process__c":"Press and hold the 'Volume +' and 'Bluetooth' buttons simultaneously for > 2 seconds (> 5 seconds for the Onyx Studio 8), until the speaker powers off.
The Onyx Studio is now reset to factory settings.","Answer__c":"Press and hold the 'Volume +' and 'Bluetooth' buttons simultaneously for > 2 seconds (> 5 seconds for the Onyx Studio 8), until the speaker powers off.
The Onyx Studio is now reset to factory settings.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZNAA0"},"Title":"Waterproof Information","Id":"ka25d000000XmZNAA0","ArticleNumber":"000018493","Question__c":"Waterproof Information","Process__c":"This product does not feature an IPX rating and is not waterproof. Over exposure to water or moisture can result in irreversible damage to this unit.","Answer__c":"This product does not feature an IPX rating and is not waterproof. Over exposure to water or moisture can result in irreversible damage to this unit.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"}]}
