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Harman Kardon Radiance 2400
Details https://tw.harmankardon.com/HK+RADIANCE+2400-.html?dwvar_HK%20RADIANCE%202400-_color=Black-APAC-Current無線家庭劇院系統
家中任何地方都是最佳位置。_x000D_ _x000D_ 音樂和家用影院的音效達到新境界。震撼的戲劇性時刻讓您的玻璃杯中的冰塊碰擊發聲。在您耳邊浪漫細語,讓您怦然心動。沉浸式繞梁音效,無需鋪線或大型喇叭。_x000D_ _x000D_ Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 完美融合了極簡設計和優質材質,配備兩個超薄的落地式喇叭和一個強大的重低音喇叭,打造出豐富而細膩的音效。Constant Beamwidth Technology™ 讓您的房間餘音繞梁,讓每個人都能獲得同樣令人興奮的體驗。精巧的數位中心連接到您的電視以及其他 AV 裝置,而 Wi-Fi 則可輕鬆存取您最喜歡的高清音樂串流媒體服務。_x000D_ _x000D_ 難以置信您的耳朵。或者您的眼睛。
Audio Specifications
- Towers (2)
- 重低音喇叭
- Radiance 2400 數據集線器
- 電源線
- 遙控器(附電池)
- HDMI 纜線
- 光纖纜線
- 快速入門指南
- Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 Story 手冊
- 地毯支腳
- 可調橡膠墊腳

The Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 is a 2.1 sound system. With it's unique sound characteristics and sound dispersion, it can fill a large room with high quality sound. ","Answer__c":"It is not possible to connect further speakers (center or rear) to the system.
The Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 is a 2.1 sound system. With it's unique sound characteristics and sound dispersion, it can fill a large room with high quality sound. ","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZIAA0"},"Title":"HK Radiance 2400: Connecting a turntable","Id":"ka25d000000XmZIAA0","ArticleNumber":"000018550","Question__c":"Connecting a turntable","Process__c":"It is possible to connect a turntable to the AUX input of the Radiance 2400. Depending on the turntables output specifications, a phono-preamplifier will in most cases be necessary to connect in-between.","Answer__c":"It is possible to connect a turntable to the AUX input of the Radiance 2400. Depending on the turntables output specifications, a phono-preamplifier will in most cases be necessary to connect in-between.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZEAA0"},"Title":"HK Radiance 2400: Connecting the remote control","Id":"ka25d000000XmZEAA0","ArticleNumber":"000018577","Question__c":"Connecting the remote control","Process__c":"If the remote control stopped working, please check if the batteries are drained. If so, replace them with new ones.
The remote control may have failed to connect with the digital hub. On the touchscreen, tap “Options” > “Remote Control”, then follow the onscreen instructions to pair with the digital hub again.","Answer__c":"If the remote control stopped working, please check if the batteries are drained. If so, replace them with new ones.
The remote control may have failed to connect with the digital hub. On the touchscreen, tap “Options” > “Remote Control”, then follow the onscreen instructions to pair with the digital hub again.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZHAA0"},"Title":"HK Radiance 2400: Constant Beamwidth Technology","Id":"ka25d000000XmZHAA0","ArticleNumber":"000018554","Question__c":"Constant Beamwidth Technology™","Process__c":"Developed for HARMAN Professional Solutions, this technology ensures every listener in the room enjoys the same exhilarating sound experience via precisely-tuned beam-forming components. HARMAN’s revolutionary technology uniquely unites 24 precisely calibrated 1.25” transducers in each of the elegant Radiance speakers to deliver the same superior sound coverage from corner to corner. ","Answer__c":"Developed for HARMAN Professional Solutions, this technology ensures every listener in the room enjoys the same exhilarating sound experience via precisely-tuned beam-forming components. HARMAN’s revolutionary technology uniquely unites 24 precisely calibrated 1.25” transducers in each of the elegant Radiance speakers to deliver the same superior sound coverage from corner to corner. ","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZJAA0"},"Title":"HK Radiance 2400: Differences between traditional speakers and Radiance with CBT","Id":"ka25d000000XmZJAA0","ArticleNumber":"000018544","Question__c":"Differences between a traditional loudspeaker system and the Radiance speaker with CBT","Process__c":"Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 uses patented Constant Beamwidth Technology (CBT) with 24 drivers to create an all-new listening experience. Typical loudspeakers have very narrow sound dispersion in the mid-range and high frequencies, making a very narrow sweet spot for one listener. On the other hand, CBT delivers room-filling sound dispersion and a resulting wide sweet spot, so everyone in the room has great listening experience. The use of CBT allowed us to reduce the cabinet size dramatically. This resulted in a very sleek loudspeaker that does not compromise on sound but looks even better when compared to bulky wooden floor-standing speakers in combination with large AV components.","Answer__c":"Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 uses patented Constant Beamwidth Technology (CBT) with 24 drivers to create an all-new listening experience. Typical loudspeakers have very narrow sound dispersion in the mid-range and high frequencies, making a very narrow sweet spot for one listener. On the other hand, CBT delivers room-filling sound dispersion and a resulting wide sweet spot, so everyone in the room has great listening experience. The use of CBT allowed us to reduce the cabinet size dramatically. This resulted in a very sleek loudspeaker that does not compromise on sound but looks even better when compared to bulky wooden floor-standing speakers in combination with large AV components.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZpAAK"},"Title":"JBL & HK WiFi Speakers: Speaker connected through Device Utility app, but not found in Google Home app","Id":"ka25d000000XmZpAAK","ArticleNumber":"000018240","Question__c":"I have connected my speaker using the Device Utility app, but the Google Home app cannot find the speaker. What should I do?","Process__c":"Close and restart the Google Home app, or restart your phone. Start the Google Home app again, and the speaker should now appear.
","Answer__c":"Close and restart the Google Home app, or restart your phone. Start the Google Home app again, and the speaker should now appear.
","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZFAA0"},"Title":"HK Radiance 2400: Multiroom","Id":"ka25d000000XmZFAA0","ArticleNumber":"000018571","Question__c":"Multiroom features","Process__c":"You can create a multi-room setup using Chromecast built-in™ or Airplay, linking to other speakers with the same feature including the Harman Kardon Citation Series.","Answer__c":"You can create a multi-room setup using Chromecast built-in™ or Airplay, linking to other speakers with the same feature including the Harman Kardon Citation Series.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZGAA0"},"Title":"HK Radiance 2400: Pairing subwoofer or tower","Id":"ka25d000000XmZGAA0","ArticleNumber":"000018566","Question__c":"Pairing subwoofer or tower","Process__c":"Check if the tower and subwoofer’s LEDs are in solid white color. A blinking LED means a disconnection. In this case, hold RESET on the back of the tower or subwoofer for 5 seconds to enter pairing mode. On the touchscreen, tap “Speaker Setup” > “Pairing” > “Tower Setup” or “Subwoofer pairing”, then follow the onscreen instructions to pair with the digital hub again.","Answer__c":"Check if the tower and subwoofer’s LEDs are in solid white color. A blinking LED means a disconnection. In this case, hold RESET on the back of the tower or subwoofer for 5 seconds to enter pairing mode. On the touchscreen, tap “Speaker Setup” > “Pairing” > “Tower Setup” or “Subwoofer pairing”, then follow the onscreen instructions to pair with the digital hub again.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000WOyfAAG"},"Title":"RADIANCE 2400: Software Update Release Notes","Id":"ka25d000000WOyfAAG","ArticleNumber":"000044663","Question__c":"RADIANCE 2400: Software Update Release Notes","Process__c":"
Software Update Release Notes
Version: 94384
Release Date: July 8, 2024
Release Media: OTA (over the air) Automatic Upgrade
- Upgrade to Google SDK 1.56 to resolve issues related to Wi-Fi set up in the Google Home app and compatibility with 1st party Google speakers.
Software Update Release Notes
Version: 94384
Release Date: July 8, 2024
Release Media: OTA (over the air) Automatic Upgrade
- Upgrade to Google SDK 1.56 to resolve issues related to Wi-Fi set up in the Google Home app and compatibility with 1st party Google speakers.
Dolby Atmos is not supported, but will be rendered as Dolby Audio.
Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS Surround (2.0 and 5.1) is supported, but will be downmixed to 2.1/2.0.
DTS Master Audio is not supported.","Answer__c":"Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 can decode Dolby Audio and DTS.
Dolby Atmos is not supported, but will be rendered as Dolby Audio.
Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS Surround (2.0 and 5.1) is supported, but will be downmixed to 2.1/2.0.
DTS Master Audio is not supported.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZKAA0"},"Title":"HK Radiance 2400: Voice control","Id":"ka25d000000XmZKAA0","ArticleNumber":"000018532","Question__c":"Voice control","Process__c":"Even though the Google Assistant is not built-in, Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 is compatible with a voice-assistant speaker, like the Harman Kardon Citation Series.","Answer__c":"Even though the Google Assistant is not built-in, Harman Kardon Radiance 2400 is compatible with a voice-assistant speaker, like the Harman Kardon Citation Series.","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZoAAK"},"Title":"JBL & HK WiFi speakers: Device needs to be activated before setup","Id":"ka25d000000XmZoAAK","ArticleNumber":"000018255","Question__c":"When trying to set up my speaker with the Google Home app, I get a message that says “Device needs to be activated before setup”. How do I proceed?","Process__c":"If you see this message, you must download the Device Utility app from the Google Play Store. Follow the instructions in the app to activate your speaker, and then return to the Google Home app to complete the setup.
","Answer__c":"If you see this message, you must download the Device Utility app from the Google Play Store. Follow the instructions in the app to activate your speaker, and then return to the Google Home app to complete the setup.
","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XmZmAAK"},"Title":"JBL & HK WiFi Speakers: WiFi network does not appear in list","Id":"ka25d000000XmZmAAK","ArticleNumber":"000018279","Question__c":"When using the Device Utility app to set up my speaker, my Wi-Fi network is not appearing in the list. How can I connect to my Wi-Fi network?","Process__c":"If the network does not appear, you can manually type in the network name (SSID) and password to connect.
","Answer__c":"If the network does not appear, you can manually type in the network name (SSID) and password to connect.