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Harman Kardon Go + Play 3


可攜式藍牙喇叭,擁有出眾的音質和 8 小時播放時間

NT$13,990 13990.0 每個
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Harman Kardon Go + Play 3 設計精美,具備精緻線條、堅固的高品質鋁製把手以及強化玻璃觸控面板,並且憑藉其高輸出和清晰的 3 向立體聲,提供更好的音效。此外,它還能自動調諧以適應新的環境,讓您的音樂總能達到最佳音效。 內建的 8 小時電池可陪伴您度過整個工作日,而便利的 USB 充電連接埠可防止您的手機在長時間播放音樂清單時電量不足。即使下次電話會議時您坐在桌子對面,其內建雙麥克風也能讓您的聲音聽起來宏亮清晰。想要更多? 為下一場派對無線配對兩台 Go + Play 3。

Harman Kardon Go + Play 3 喇叭隨時為您服務。



輸出功率 (w) 160 W RMS

Audio Specifications

動態頻率響應範圍(Hz) 43 Hz - 20 kHz (-6 dB)


重量(kg) 4.7


藍芽版本 5.2


充電時間 3


3.5毫米音頻線輸入 是的
  • 1 x Harman Kardon Go + Play 3
  • 1 x 條電源線
  • 1 x 快速入門指南
  • 1 x 安全說明與保固卡
product box
{"totalSize":3,"done":true,"searchRecords":[{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XluCAAS"},"Title":"Audio distortion or drop outs while using PartyBoost or Connect+/Stereo Boost","Id":"ka25d000000XluCAAS","ArticleNumber":"000021182","Question__c":"Audio distortion or drop outs while using PartyBoost or Connect+/Stereo Boost","Process__c":"

If you are having trouble with distortion or drop out, try the following suggestions:


Move the audio source closer to the speakers

Move the speakers closer to each other

Make sure the streaming speaker (host) only connects to one audio source, disconnect the Bluetooth connection between the streaming speaker (host) and other audio source

Make sure the audio source only connects with one streaming speaker (host), disconnect the Bluetooth connection between the audio source and other speakers

Restart both your speakers and the audio source

Make sure speakers are away from other sources of wireless signal – you could be experiencing interference

Re-pair the audio source with your speaker

If you’re streaming audio content from the internet, the issue could be with the internet connection and not your speaker


If you are having trouble with distortion or drop out, try the following suggestions:


Move the audio source closer to the speakers

Move the speakers closer to each other

Make sure the streaming speaker (host) only connects to one audio source, disconnect the Bluetooth connection between the streaming speaker (host) and other audio source

Make sure the audio source only connects with one streaming speaker (host), disconnect the Bluetooth connection between the audio source and other speakers

Restart both your speakers and the audio source

Make sure speakers are away from other sources of wireless signal – you could be experiencing interference

Re-pair the audio source with your speaker

If you’re streaming audio content from the internet, the issue could be with the internet connection and not your speaker

","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000WPomAAG"},"Title":"Pairing issues with a Computer or PC","Id":"ka25d000000WPomAAG","ArticleNumber":"000017048","Question__c":"Pairing issues with a Computer or PC","Process__c":"In most cases when a Computer/PC/Laptop has issues connecting to a Bluetooth device (Portable speaker, Headphones, Active speakers), it's caused by your Computer/PC/Laptop's Bluetooth driver (software).

The driver (software) should support the following Bluetooth protocols, to be able to play music/sound from your Computer/PC/Laptop:

• A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) driver for your Computer/PC/Headphones to transfer music.

• AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile) driver to send skip/forward/pause/play music to your device

Always get the latest driver version available for your Computer/PC/Laptop.

To download the correct driver (software), visit the manufacturer's website of your Computer/PC/Laptop. They usually have a "Support/Download" section where you can find the correct driver. Otherwise, we advise you to contact their support.
","Answer__c":"In most cases when a Computer/PC/Laptop has issues connecting to a Bluetooth device (Portable speaker, Headphones, Active speakers), it's caused by your Computer/PC/Laptop's Bluetooth driver (software).

The driver (software) should support the following Bluetooth protocols, to be able to play music/sound from your Computer/PC/Laptop:

• A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) driver for your Computer/PC/Headphones to transfer music.

• AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile) driver to send skip/forward/pause/play music to your device

Always get the latest driver version available for your Computer/PC/Laptop.

To download the correct driver (software), visit the manufacturer's website of your Computer/PC/Laptop. They usually have a "Support/Download" section where you can find the correct driver. Otherwise, we advise you to contact their support.
","ArticleType":"How_Tos__kav"},{"attributes":{"type":"Knowledge__kav","url":"/services/data/v45.0/sobjects/Knowledge__kav/ka25d000000XqiIAAS"},"Title":"What is Wireless Stereo Boost pairing mode?","Id":"ka25d000000XqiIAAS","ArticleNumber":"000042754","Question__c":"What is Wireless Stereo Boost pairing mode?","Process__c":"

Wireless Stereo Boost allows you to connect two of the same model speakers together for a more powerful listening experience. 

To use this feature, hold the Bluetooth button on both speakers for more than 5 seconds.

The left & right channels can be swapped by tapping the Bluetooth button on the host speaker twice.


Wireless Stereo Boost allows you to connect two of the same model speakers together for a more powerful listening experience. 

To use this feature, hold the Bluetooth button on both speakers for more than 5 seconds.

The left & right channels can be swapped by tapping the Bluetooth button on the host speaker twice.

