利用 Harman Kardon Onyx Studio 9 提升您的日常聆聽,享受非凡的音效體驗。這款優雅的無線藍牙可可攜式家用喇叭以清晰的聲音、明亮的高音與低音給您卓越的音訊效能,讓您最愛的音樂成為令人驚嘆的身歷其境體驗。Constant Sound Field 技術可擴大音場,並改善音樂的清晰度和細節。Onyx Studio 9 採用堅固的整合式把手(以 90% 再生鋁製成)與內建電池,播放時間長達 8 小時,讓您方便地在家中移動,而內建 USB 連接埠可在您享受音樂的同時為喇叭充電。由於其自動自我調音整功能,無論您身在何處,都能提供最佳聲音效能。
Audio Specifications
- 1 部 Harman Kardon Onyx Studio 9
- 1 條電源線
- 1 份《快速入門指南》
- 1 張《安全說明書》
- 1 張保固卡

The music track switching is only available when the music is playing. This is due to a signal detect issue, which is only present when the music is paused.
","Answer__c":"The music track switching is only available when the music is playing. This is due to a signal detect issue, which is only present when the music is paused.